Minh Ba, medicine and the midwest

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Good lord it is cold....

I've decided it's about time to do a quick update of what I've been up to. Since my last blog at the end of August, I started my chain of orthopedic surgery rotations. Last month I finished off in Kansas City; which I really enjoyed my time there and would be happy if I got chosen to stay there for the next few years. I interviewed on the last week that I was there, and could say that I was pleased with how it went. It was a little wierd packing up what little I owned, and start driving to Michigan. But alas, now I am currently in Grand Blanc, MI (20 minutes NW of Detroit), and I have been here for two weeks. The hospital that I am at is very nice, the first day that I walked into the hospital I thought I was at a large hotel; there is nice grand piano that greets you as you enter the foyer. It is a relatively new hospital and houses 350+ beds. It also has two seperate surgery floors, the top surgery level is the orthopedic and cardiovascular surgery floor, and the floor below it is for the general surgeons.

This is a picture of the hospital that I took off their website, I will try and take some pictures of it on my camera soon, so you can get a better idea of how nice it looks on the inside

Overall, the program here is excellent, especially with didactics. It is associated with Michigan State, and they are pretty involved with many of the other programs across the state. Similar to the Kansas City program, they take 3 new residents a year, which makes it a little stressful in applying to these places. The only real downside I've figured out so far, is the weather. It just started snowing today, and it's cold as b@lls in the middle of October.

In other school related news, I went to Philly in the middle of September to take my physical exam boards, which was definitely a waste of money. We had to fly all the way out there, spend $1000 to interview 12 "patients." Hopefully I passed; it was definitely one of those tests where you leave feeling one way or the other: either I did really well, or I completely bombed it. Although, the weekend itself was definitely nice to hang around Philly and see some of the sites with some friends.

These two weeks here in MI, have been busy with getting used to the hospital, studying for my written board exams that I took yesterday, and preparing for interview season. Aside from the KC interview, I have two near Clevelend, OH next week (Thu and Fri), one in Morena Valley, CA in the beginning of November, one in Tulsa, OK while I'm there and one in Stratford, NJ at the end of November.

No big plans for this weekend, but to work on some homework and presentations; I might also take some call for the weekend and volunteer to scrub some surgeries. I was going to try and go to the Tigers game, since they'll be playing on Fri/Sat/Sunday (possibly), but I think I'm going to save my money and try to hit up the World Series instead next week.

Next stop in two weeks is to Tulsa, OK for a month and then back to KC. I'm going to stop on my way down to Tulsa in KC, to try and catch the KC and Seahawks game with Shader and some of his friends.

Sorry for the random brain dump of things, I'll try and update my blogs more often, but make them shorter...so that's the plan for now...I'll try not to slack off.


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